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        發(fā)布時間:2021-12-27 14:00:51  |  來源:中國網(wǎng)·中國發(fā)展門戶網(wǎng)  |  作者:  |  責任編輯:楊霄霄



        There is a city in southwest China that retains a fascinating charm throughout its thousands of years of history, and the city is Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan Province.


        魅力成都,先在宜居。在這里,麻辣火鍋沸騰著人間煙火;熊貓向世界直播著可愛; 天邊的雪山與錯落有致的都市建筑交相呼 應;時尚達人彰顯著有趣的靈魂;一條計劃總長1 .69 萬公里的全球最大城市綠道體系,正在打通城市的脈絡。

        The charming city is primarily known as a livable place. Spicy hot pots boil with tastes of original local life; The panda’s cuteness is livestreamed to its global fans; The snow-capped mountains in the horizon echo the neatly located urban buildings; Fashionistas show off not only dazzling outfits but also interesting souls; The world’s largest urban greenway system with a planned total length of 16,900 kilometers is linking the city.


        魅力成都,更在宜業(yè)。一座城市是否迷人,不妨看看年輕人的選擇。據(jù)報告顯示,2 021 年中國高校畢業(yè)生的首選城市中,上海、深圳、廣州、成都位居前四。是什么吸引了全國的就業(yè)者和創(chuàng)業(yè)者來到成都?答案是成都全方位的“筑巢引鳳”——優(yōu)美的生態(tài)環(huán)境、完善的公共服務,同時,不斷優(yōu)化營商環(huán)境,通過新產(chǎn)業(yè)釋放新機遇。

        Chengdu is also known for its abundant job opportunities. To decide whether a city is attractive, the choice of young people is a good benchmark. Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Chengdu are the top four employment destinations for Chinese college graduates in 2021, according to a report. What attracts employees and entrepreneurs from all over the country to settle in Chengdu? The answer lies in the city comprehensive measures to attract talents, including a beautiful ecological environment, sound public services, constantly optimizing business environment and new opportunities through developing new industries.



        The cultural and creative industry has become an emerging pillar industry and an important economic growth engine in Chengdu. Hidden deep in the old streets and alleys, Min Town Studio Community is the newest cultural and creative block in Chengdu. With the cultural genes of the ancient city, Min Town has incubated various projects such as exhibitions, salons, musical performances and creative markets, becoming a veritable creation hub. In Chengdu, the cultural and creative industry embraces both the old and the modern, nurturing a vigorous industry and a glamorous life.


        這座宜居宜業(yè)之城,從不停止前進的腳步 。 西南交大的實驗室里,目標時速1 000 公里的超級高鐵正在逐步成為現(xiàn)實;正在建設的“世界賽事名城 ” 向全球發(fā)出一封封邀約。成都, 正一步步成為中國的“ 新一線”城市。成都的魅力,在新時代煥發(fā)新生機,永遠向前奔跑,是成都擁抱未來的態(tài)度!

        This livable city and ideal workplace never stops moving forward. In the laboratory of Southwest Jiaotong University, the super bullet train with a designed speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour is gradually becoming a reality; Chengdu is seeking to build itself into a world-famous sports events city with invitations for participation to global sports players. Chengdu is rising to be a new first-tier city in China. Chengdu enjoys fresh charm in the new era with seeking non-stop progresses as its philosophy of embracing the future!

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